Q. How do I search for my property?
A. Enter your First Name and Last Name. Select the state you would like to search or select
the All States option and click Go! You can perform a search without providing a First Name, but Last Name is required.
You should search for property in all of the states in which you have resided. If you still do not find property that belongs
to you, use the advanced search options on the right hand side of the screen. The advanced search allows you to search by
First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Previous Last Name, Last 4 Digits of your Social Security Number, City, and State. Make
sure to search by your maiden name or any previous last names you have had. Also, if you have a name that is often misspelled
you should try entering the most common misspellings of your name. Check back regularly as we are always adding new records
to our database.
Q. How do I search by a partial name?
A. Simply type in the partial information on the home page in the First Name and/or Last Name
field, select the state(s) you’d like to search, and click Go!
Q. How can I perform an Advanced Search?
A. The advanced search allows you to search by First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Previous
Last Name, Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number, City, and State. Fill in as much of the information as you can
to increase your chances of finding property. Please note that not all companies provide the Social Security information.
If you enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number and do not find any property, fill in as much information
as you can in the name and address fields.
Q. How does the Use Exact Match option work?
A. If you select the Use Exact Match option, the search will only return records where the entire
first and last name exactly matches what you have entered. It will not return records for partial names.
Q. Can I search for property that belongs to a friend or family member?
A. Yes. Perform the search in the same way you would search for your owner property, but use
the other person’s name information. You may not claim property that belongs to another person, unless they are deceased
and you are the rightful heir, but you can inform the person that you have found property which belongs to them. You can
then have them visit our web site to find and claim the property or you can provide them with the claim contact information
you have found and have them contact the company that is holding their property.